文章编号:1672-3104(2005)05-0625-07 |
———环渤海地区物流发展战略对策研究 |
赵道致,刘潇 |
(天津大学管理学院,天津,300072) |
摘 要: 全球网络化制造(GNM)模式导致现代物流在提升制造业竞争优势和地区竞争优势中的作用日益重要。数据表明,我国现阶段沿海地区形成的三大核心区域“长三角”“珠三角”以及“环渤海”物流业发展存在着不平衡现象。地理、历史、社会等三个要素是构成“物流业生态环境”的三大因素,环渤海地区物流业发展相对滞后,就是这些因素在起着作用。因此,环渤海经济区物流要健康发展,必须充分利用环渤海地区的运输体系及沿海优势,加快老工业基地改革,加快地区一体化进程的步伐。 |
关键词: 物流业;商业生态环境;区域物流比较;一体化进程 |
Comparison and analysis on business eco-system of region logistics in China:
research on strategies of logistics development in the Bohai Sea region |
ZHAO Dao-zhi, LIU Xiao |
(Management School of Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China) |
Abstract: This paper explains the relationship between modern logistics and the evolution of manufacturing model firstly. It points out that global net work manufacturing, GNM, causes that modern logistics plays a very important role for raising the advantages of manufacturing competency and region competency. Secondly, on the basis of statistic data, it analyses the difference of logistics development among the three core regions of Yangtse River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Sea Region. Then, it analyses the three factors that constitute business eco-system from three aspects of geography, history and society. Thus, it concludes the reasons of the less development of logistics in Bohai Sea Region. Finally, it proposes the strategic suggestion about the development of logistics in Bohai Sea Region. |
Key words: logistics industry business eco-system region logistics comparison integration process |