自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(河南大学外国语学院,河南开封, 475001)
摘  要: 钱钟书的“不隔”说,与海德格尔的“非对象性的思”趋向一致。而后者突破了西方传统哲学对理性的强调,突出了直观的作用与价值,并将人引向与事物的一体化世界。在这一意义上,海氏的哲学可以显示出钱氏观念的跨文化意义,尤其是在翻译理论领域的意义:突出直观意味着,人与人的“不隔”,文化与文化的一体化;与此同时,语言已经减弱它作为跨文化媒体的居间分离作用,显现出某种程度的透明度,至少是在理想上。因此,通过“不隔”,我们不仅可以将这一世界本能地联系在一起,而且还原它本来的面目———一体化的面目。这也才是语言的可译性的基础。没有这种一体化,翻译就是不可能的,也是不可想象的。这也就意味着,我们在“不隔”中可以找到翻译的始基,它的原点,它的“原本”。因此,钱氏的“不隔”说不仅可以指向事物的真实,而且还标志着翻译的可行性,其理论意义是巨大的。在与西方哲学的新动态相互一致的情势下,“不隔”的形而上性格显现出了它应有的魅力。
关键词: 翻译理论;不隔;非对象性的思;钱钟书;海德格尔;现象学
Let poetry enter the study of translation theory
———On the“non-mediation”theory of Qian Zhong-shu from the
perspective of Heidegger s“non-objective thinking”
CAI Xin-le
(Foreign Languages College, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)
Abstract: The theory of“non-mediation”propounded by Qian Zhong-shu corresponds to Heidegger s“nonobjective thinking”in its inclination. The latter, breaking out of the dominance of reason in traditional Western philosophy, puts into relief the function and value of intuition and brings man into a common world he shares with things. Thus the Heideggerian philosophy helps to reveal the significance of the concept discussed by Qian, especially in the filed of translation studies; for the emphasis of intuition means the“non-differentiation”between man and man, the unity of human cultures with the weakening of the power of human languages reduced to some tranparency, at least idealistically, at the same time. It is then through“non-mediation”that we can associate all the parts of world as a whole spontaneously and reduce it to what it is—its integrity. It is also pointed out that the integrity is the foundation of translatability of human languages. That is, without the unity, translation would be impossible and unimaginable, which means that only in“non-medation”can we find the origin, the starting-point and the basis of translation. Therefore the theory proposed by Qian not only points to the reality of things, but also represents the feasiblity of translation, with its profound theoretical significanece. Its charm presents itself in interacting with a new orientation in the Western philosophy.
Key words: non-mediation; non-objective thinking; Qian Zhong-shu; Heidegger; phenomenology
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