自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,北京, 100875)
摘  要: 从贸易自由化出发,围绕宏观经济均衡,通过关税与汇率政策的配合对宏观经济影响的计量分析,研究了宏观经济内部平衡的实现,运用关税变量下调整的MF模型探讨了宏观经济的外部平衡,并与我国现实情况相结合进行实证分析。分析结论认为:在我国入世后面临关税减免的压力下,以适度的人民币汇率政策调整配合贸易自由化改革,用汇率政策与关税政策相配合而不是刻意稳定人民币汇率的战略能更好的实现和维持我国宏观经济的内外均衡。
关键词: 关税政策;贸易自由化;汇率政策;宏观经济内外均衡
Tariffs and exchange rate policy & research of the balance of macroeconomy
WU Jie
(School of Economic Bussiness Administrition, Bejing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: According to the commitment with the entry into the WTO, the process of liberalizing foreign trade of our country will be deepened and expanded. This essay sets out from liberalizing fereign trade promptly and centres on the balance of macroeconomy. To study the balance of internal macroeconomy , exchange rate policy cooperated with the tariff policy will be analysed with Econometrics; The outside is then analysed with adjusted MF model under the variable of tariffs to probe into the balance of macroeconomy. Whether it is implemented on real example analyses or not, it will finally come to the conclusion to combine with the concret conditions in our country. Facing the pressure that the tariff reduces or remits after our country s entrance to the WTO, adjustment and cooperation with the reform of liberalizing foreign trade with appropriate RMB exchange rate policy can change and keep inside and outside of our country macroeconomy sedulously .
Key words: policy of the tariff ; liberalizing foreign trade ; exchange rate policy ; balanced internal and external macroeconomy
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