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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 儒家规范伦理的核心理念是爱有等差,内外有别,血缘亲情具有优先性,亲疏、贤愚不能等同。孔子梳理了三代以来的家庭伦理规范,孟子在此基础上提出了“五伦”理论。他们所建构伦理规范体现出以仁为本源,以礼(伦理规范)为表征,据仁以成礼,非设礼以限仁的宗旨。但是,宋明时期的一些儒家思想家背离了这一宗旨,使某些规范伦理失去仁爱的内核。儒家规范伦理建立在人性本体或天理本体的基础之上,具有特异性伦理规范优先于普适性伦理规范、现实性与超越性寓于一体、逻辑起点(道义论)与运行机制(目的论)悖反等特性。
关键词: 儒家规范伦理;家庭伦理规范;规范;仁;本体;
Construction and corrupt practices of Confucian morality of law
———an illustration by Confucian family morality of law
ZHU Chun-hui
(Department of Philosophy, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)
Abstract: The thoutht at the core of the construction of Confucian morality of law is that love has different orders and degrees, including differences in application to people of different social status, intelligence,blood lineages, etc. Confucius summarized the family morality of law from the three generations, and Mencius advanced the“Wu lun Theory”. The Confucian morality of law constructed has a purpose that the morality of law comes from benevolence and is formed by benevolence,and the morality law must reflect the benevolence and cann't weakened it. But some Confucian thinkers in Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty deviated from the purpose, and some of its principles. The Confucian morality of law was constructed on the base of normal human feelings and spiritual ideas, following traits that peculiarity morality of law took priority for general morality of law, with the reality and the appriorism contained, and that logical starting point(deontological theories ) deviated from the pracitce (teleological theories). The Confucian morality of law is faced with the destiny of un-construction in modern times.
Key words: confucian morality of law; family morality of law; law; benevolence; ontology
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