文章编号:1672-3104(2005)02-0243-05 |
———兼论清末科举改革中的政治冲突 |
何文辉 |
(湖南省社科院,湖南长沙, 410003) |
摘 要: 1898年前后湖南维新运动中出现的激烈政治冲突,其直接原因是由于省政要员的更换和一批文化新锐的到来而出现的政治权力的重新分配,更深层的原因则是科举改革的启动导致了文化权力以及与之相伴生的社会政治权力的急剧倾斜。在这个过程中利益受到威胁和侵犯的旧精英于是联合起来,对维新事业展开猛烈攻击。这个事例通常被用来说明湖南地域文化的特性,但从政治学的角度看,它呈现出更具普遍性的意义。 |
关键词: 湖南维新运动;科举改革;政治冲突 |
A research on the failure of the constitutional reform and modernization in1898in Hunan province |
HE Wen-hui |
(Hunan Provincial Academy of Social Science, Changsha 410003, China) |
Abstract: This paper describes the severe conflict during the Constitutional Reform and Modernization in 1898 in Hunan Province. The reason of the conflict was the redistribution of political power with the change of provincial officials and the arrival of cultural vanguards, especially the severe unbalance of cultural power and social and political power aroused by the beginning of reform of imperial examinations. In this process, the old elite, whose interests were infringed and faced with elimination, united to attack fiercely the course of the Constitutional Reform and Modernization . This example is usually used to explain the characteristics of the regional culture of Hunan, and it is of universal significance from the perspective of political science as well. |
Key words: the Constitutional Reform and Modernization in 1898 Hunan Province; reform of imperial examinations; political conflict |