文章编号:1672-3104(2005)01-0113-08 |
论京派作家的风俗叙事 |
唐雅玲 |
(中南大学文学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 风俗作为人类文化现象,受到文学家的普遍关注。以周作人、沈从文、汪曾祺为代表的京派作家不仅对风俗情有独钟,而且将其转化为一种理解和讲述世界的方式,包含了特定的审美取向和文化内涵。他们的风俗叙事不从属于社会批判与启蒙,而倾心于诗意想象,构成诸如回忆之味、新奇之趣、生命之悟、超越之境一类美感形态。 |
关键词: 京派;风俗叙事;审美取向;文化言说;诗意想象;美感形态 |
On Peiking style writers and their description of customs |
TANG Ya-ling |
(College of literature, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: Customs as an important phenomenon in human culture, have long been widely concened by literati. Peking Style writers represented by ZHOU Zouren, SHEN Congwen, WANG Zengqi have strong affection and abundant accumulation about customs, and have transformed customs as a means of understanding and depicting the world, which has specific perspectives of appreciation and cultural implications.The description of customs is distinguished from social criticizm and initiation, and inclines to poetic imagination. It creates a series of new aesthetic forms, such as the taste of memory, the joy of novelty, the inspiration of life, and the state of superiority. |
Key words: Peiking style; customs description; perspectives of appreciation; culture implication; poetic imagination; aesthetic form |