文章编号:1672-3104(2005)01-0052-05 |
国际零售业态多样化与我国零售业态的战略调整 |
杨伟文,赵明 |
(中南大学商学院,湖南长沙410083) |
摘 要: 业态多样化是零售业迅猛发展的必然结果。从十九世纪中叶开始,国际零售业经历了从单一的百货商店向多样化业态发展的历程。在此进程中,人均国民生产总值、基尼系数和市场发育程度成为影响国际零售业态多样化发展的主要因素。我国零售业态的变革过程存在着业态结构不合理、缺乏科学的模式指导和尚未充分发挥各业态优势等三个方面的问题。针对这些不足,政府和零售企业应共同努力,完善零售市场环境,提升我国零售业的竞争力。 |
关键词: 零售业态;基尼系数;零售企业竞争力 |
The variety in international retailing forms and the strategic
adjustment of retail industry in China |
YANG Wei-wen, ZHAO Ming |
(School of Business, Ceneral South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: The variety in retail results from the dramatical development in retail trade. The international retail trade has experienced the process from the single form of stores to various forms since the middle of 19th century. During this period, the Per capita gross national product, Gini Coefficient and market development degree became the three main elements, which affected the development of the variety in international retailing forms. In the process of our reform in the retail forms, there arrose some problems, including the unsuitable construction of retail forms, the lack of scientific model to guide it and failure to fully explore the advantages of each retail form. In order to solve these problems, the government and enterprises should work together to make the retail market environment perfect and improve the competitiveness in our retail trade. |
Key words: retailing forms; gini coefficient; competitiveness in retail enterprise |