文章编号:1672-3104(2005)01-0023-05 |
《道德经》的心理调治方法初探 |
覃青必,吕锡琛 |
(中南大学政治学与行政管理学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 《道德经》中的修身养性思想,从心理调治的角度看,可归纳为返朴归真法、层层超越法、忘我静修法。返朴归真法是通过解除外界对自我本性的异化、恢复自我的真朴本性来调治行为主体的心理问题或心理疾病;层层超越法是运用《道德经》中的辩证法思想去超越万事万物,以一种“无执”的心境来调治行为主体的心理问题或心理疾病;忘我静修法是通过淡化、自我意识来调治行为主体的心理问题或心理疾病。 |
关键词: 《道德经》;心性道德修养;心理问题;心理疾病;心理调节;心理治疗 |
View on the way of psychology-recuperation in Tao-te Ching |
QIN Qing-bi, LU Xi-chen |
(The Department of Philosophy, Central South University, Changsha410083, China) |
Abstract: From the view of psychology, this paper carries on and annotates the idea of cultivating one smind through mediation in Tao-te Ching, and induces three psychology-recuperations: returning to simplicity, transcending in layers, and selfless meditation. Returning to simplicity is returning to client's original nature through getting rid of his alienation caused by the outside world, and treating his mental problems or mental diseases. Transcending in layers is leading client to transcend all things gradually by using the dialectics idea in Tao-te Ching, and treating his mental problems and mental diseases by his own detached mood. Selfless meditation is treating client's mental problems and mental diseases through leading him to weaken his own self-consciousness. |
Key words: Tao-te Ching; cultivating mind and morality mental problem; mental disease; psychology-adjustment psychotherapy |