自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(华中科技大学中文系,湖北武汉, 430074)
摘  要: 以乔姆斯基《最简探索:框架》的相关假设为理论基础,我们针对现有研究存在的问题提出了关于间接“被”字句生成过程的分析方案。我们认为“被”是汉语特有的功能语类,“被”字句通过移位生成,长、短“被”字句的生成遵循同一种模式,具有共同的句法结构:[T[BeiP[Bei][vP]]]。在此基础上,文章通过实例说明采用经潘海华修改后的题元层阶及移位步骤最短性原则,可统一生成汉语典型间接“被”字句。题元层阶可控制论元合并顺序,移位步骤最短性原则能选择正确的指定语移至句首位置。
关键词: 《最简探索:框架》;间接“被”字句;功能语类;题元层阶;移位
The derivation of the indirectbeipassive construction
within minimalist Inquiries: the framework
TAN Xiaoping
(Department of Chinese, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei 430074, China)
Abstract:To solve the current problems, we put forward a proposal for the analysis of the derivation of indirectbeipassive construction in accordance with the relevant hypothesis of Minimalist Inquiries:The Framework. We propose thatbeishould be treated as a functional category specific to Chinese language,beipassive construction undergoes movement, the short and long passive constructions should be derived in a uniform fashion with the same syntactic structure:[T[BeiP[Bei][vP]]]. Based on concrete instances,the paper provides a satisfactory explanation for the derivation of typical indirectbeipassive construction by adopting the revised thematic role hierarchy and the shortest steps condition. The thematic role hierarchy can control the order of Merge of the arguments, the shortest steps condition can choose the proper specifier to move to the beginning of the sentence.)
Abstract: To solve the current problems, we put forward a proposal for the analysis of the derivation of indirectbeipassive construction in accordance with the relevant hypothesis of Minimalist Inquiries:The Framework. We propose thatbeishould be treated as a functional category specific to Chinese language,beipassive construction undergoes movement, the short and long passive constructions should be derived in a uniform fashion with the same syntactic structure:[T[BeiP[Bei][vP]]]. Based on concrete instances,the paper provides a satisfactory explanation for the derivation of typical indirectbeipassive construction by adopting the revised thematic role hierarchy and the shortest steps condition. The thematic role hierarchy can control the order of Merge of the arguments, the shortest steps condition can choose the proper specifier to move to the beginning of the sentence.
Key words: Minimalist Inquiries: The Framework; indirectbeipassive construction ; a functional category; thematic role hierarchy; dislocation
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