自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《平山冷燕》是明末清初言情小说中的代表作,但评点本较少,“天花藏主人批评本”具有较高的评点理论价值。该本以“枝叶之法”对小说的叙事结构进行了立体式解构,以“水穷云起”揭示了小说叙事时空的动态变化,又以“闲笔”解析了小说的叙事语境。因天花藏主人既是小说的作者,又是评点者,身份重叠形成了对自身叙事技巧的重新确认与再次解说。这种“双重解说”不仅有助于读者理解、认知作者的“立言”、创作意图与文本未尽之意,也由此衍生出了更贴近文本的理论价值与思维向度。
关键词: 《平山冷燕》;天花藏主人;小说评点;叙事语境;叙事功能
Narrative theory and dual interpretation of comments on Pingshan Lengyan
LIU Xuelian
(College of Arts, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116081, China)
Abstract: Pingshan Lengyan is a representative of romantic novels in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, but there have been few books of comments on it, of which Tian Huangzang Ownerʹs Book of Criticisms is one with high theoretical value of commenting. This book, by adopting the method of "Branches and Leaves", undertakes a spatial deconstruction on the narrative structure of the novel, discloses the dynamic change in the narrative time and space of the novel with the narrative theories of "cloud rising with water draining", and interprets the narrative context with "an idle pen". As Tian Huangzang owner is both the author and commentator of the novel, such double identity has formed a "double interpretation" of the narrative skill of the novel, which is not only helpful for readers to read and recognize the creative thinking process and creative tendency of the author, but also generates a theoretical value and thinking dimension which is closer to the text.
Key words: Pingshan Lengyan;Tian Huazang owner;comments on fiction;narrative context;narrative function
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