自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 意识形态批判不能代替政治经济学批判,马克思的商品拜物教批判亦不能被简单地归结为一种意识形态批判。虽然《资本论》中的商品拜物教有马克思早期界定的意识形态的特征,但两者之间存在差异。商品拜物教不是价值形式本身,而是它的结果。在价值形式及变化的作用下,劳动社会关系因在商品交换过程中被物的形式掩盖而变得神秘,尔后这种物的形式被无意或有意地上升为资产阶级经济学家的思维方式与思想观念。所以,商品拜物教首先是一种客观事实,之后才是一种观念事实。这意味着马克思商品拜物教批判是一种蕴含彻底性意识形态批判的政治经济学批判。这种批判构成了马克思政治经济学超越以往政治经济学的理论生长点,是唯物史观在政治经济学中的具体运用与完善成熟的重要体现,也是我们审视现代社会发展的重要理论视角。
关键词: 马克思;商品拜物教;意识形态批判;政治经济学批判
Critique of ideology or critique of political economics? Reflection upon the theoretical orientation of Marx's critique of commodity fetishism
LI Fengling
(School of Marxism, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China)
Abstract: Ideological critique cannot replace political economics critique, and Marx’s critique of commodity fetishism cannot be simply reduced to the ideological critique, either. Although the commodity fetishism proposed by Marx in Das Kapital has the similar characteristics of the ideological concepts discussed earlier, there are differences between them. Meanwhile, commodity fetishism is not the form of value itself, but its result. Under the action of the form of value and its development, the labor social relationship becomes mysterious because it is covered by the form of things in the process of commodity exchange, and then such form of things is unintentionally or intentionally raised into the thinking mode and concept of bourgeois economists. Therefore, commodity fetishism is an objective fact firstly, and then is a conceptual fact, which means that Marx’s critique of commodity fetishism can only be a political economic critique containing a thorough ideological critique. This kind of criticism constitutes the theoretical growth point of Marx's political economics transcending the previous political economics. It is an important manifestation of the concrete application and perfection of historical materialism in political economics, and also an important theoretical perspective for us to examine the development of modern society.
Key words: Marx; commodity fetishism; critique of ideology; critique of political economics
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