文章编号:1672-3104(2022)04-0129-10 |
“科学的辩证法”之意蕴及其当代价值——恩格斯对黑格尔辩证法的批判与超越 |
刘顺 |
(同济大学马克思主义学院,上海,200092) |
摘 要: 科学性是恩格斯阐释辩证法的前提性问题。把质量互变、对立统一、否定之否定规律当作纯粹思维活动的黑格尔辩证法,是恩格斯科学的辩证法思想所要针对的重点。黑格尔辩证法与科学的辩证法之间的关系,正如抽象思辨与科学真理之间的互斥性存在。在恩格斯看来,辩证法只能发轫于自在自然而非概念的自然,不应把所谓的思维规律强加于自然界;辩证法并不是对自然界的被动映射,而是以实践为中介的人化自然的普遍联系的深刻揭示;人类应在自在和自为的耦合范式下演绎唯物辩证法,进而去协调人与自然的共生共存关系。在科学的辩证法视域下,人类要避免生态中心主义与人类中心主义的无谓之争,应该在坚持以人民为中心的社会主义制度下,破除逐利最大化的资本逻辑对人和自然的双重“剥削”,真正把人与自然视作生命共同体,努力建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化。 |
关键词: 恩格斯;科学的辩证法;黑格尔辩证法;自然辩证法;思维规律;科学真理 |
The implication of “scientific dialectics” and its practical effects: Engels' criticism at and transcendence over Hegel's dialectics |
LIU Shun |
(School of Marxism, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) |
Abstract: Scientificalness is the premise of Engels' interpretation of dialectics. The Hegelian dialectics, which regards the law of mass interconversion, the unity of opposites and the negative law of negation as pure thinking activities, is the focus that Engels’ scientific dialectical thought aims to criticize. The relationship between Hegelian dialectics and scientific dialectics is just like the mutual exclusion between abstract speculation and scientific truth. According to Engels, dialectics can only originate from nature in itself rather than conceptual nature, and it should not impose the so-called laws of thinking onto the nature; Dialectics is not a passive mapping of the natural world, but a profound disclosure of the universal connections of humanized nature mediated by practice; We should deduce materialist dialectics under the coupled paradigm of in-itself and for-oneself, so as to coordinate the symbiotic relationship between humans and the nature. From the perspective of scientific dialectics, human beings should avoid the needless debates between ecocentrism and anthropocentrism, and then, under the people-oriented socialist system, break the double “exploitation” onto human beings and the nature by the capital logic of maximizing profits, truly regard them as a community of life, and strive to build the modernization in which they coexist in harmony. |
Key words: Engels; scientific dialectics; Hegelian dialectics; natural dialectics; laws of thinking; scientific truth |