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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 新《行政处罚法》第33条明确了我国行政处罚的责任主义原则。确立行政处罚的责任主义有利于保护公民权利,纠正此前在执法实践中普遍存在的客观责任模式。从责任主义理论的变迁历程来看,对于责任的解读其实一直处于变化中。我国目前的责任主义原则是以过错推定模式为主,但不限于此。立法为普通过错模式和客观责任模式预留了空间,在理论上和部门行政处罚规定中也都能找到依据,因此,我国目前的行政处罚实际上是多元责任模式。在多元责任模式下,对于过错推定和客观责任应当予以限制,自由罚不应当适用过错推定,客观责任的适用要严格控制范围。
关键词: 行政处罚;责任主义;主观责任;客观责任
Inside and outside of fault: On the subjective and objective liabilities of administrative penalty
HUANG Xianxiong, SUN Xuekai
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Article 33 of the new Administrative Penalty Law clarifies the principle of liability doctrine of administrative penalty in China. The establishment of the liability doctrine of administrative penalty is conducive to protecting civil rights and correcting the objective liability model that actually prevailed in the law enforcement practice before. From the evolution of the liability theory, it can be found that the interpretation of liability has actually been in a state of change. China's current liability doctrine is based on the presumption of the fault model, but is not limited to it. The legislation has reserved space for the ordinary fault mode and the objective liability model, and the basis can be found in the theory and departmental administrative penalty regulations, so the current administrative penalty in China is actually a multiple imputation mode. Under the multiple imputation mode, the presumption of fault and objective liability should be restricted, the liberal penalty should not be applied to the presumption of fault, and the application of objective liability should be strictly controlled.
Key words: administrative penalty; liability doctrine; subjective liability; objective liability
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