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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作为明清舞台上的演出经典剧目,朱佐朝的《艳云亭》传奇有多种抄本传世,而这些抄本之间的关系,学界迄今未予厘清。经考察发现,此剧现存至少有六种手抄全本文献,可归为梨园演出本及曲家改订本两类,其中梨园演出本又包括“三十三出本”及“三十四出本”,曲家改订本则有“饮流斋本”及“古吴莲勺庐”过录本。梨园演出本无论从人物形象的塑造,还是在剧作的构思结撰、戏曲语言等方面,都是极为经典的“场上之曲”;而“饮流斋本”则从关目及曲词等方面,对梨园演出本做了大量改订,使之在艺术上得到了较大的提升,反映了曲学家许之衡的治曲趣味及曲学观念。
关键词: 朱佐朝;《艳云亭》;抄本;梨园演出本;曲家改订本;许之衡
Document research on the legendary complete manuscript of Yanyun Pavilion
PAN Peizhong, JIANG Siting
(Department of Chinese, SunYat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
Abstract: As a classic play performed on the stage of Ming and Qing Dynasties, many manuscripts of Yanyun Pavilion by Zhu Zuochao have been handed down, but the relationship between these versions has not been clarified. Through investigation, we have found that there are at least six full manuscripts of the play, which can be classified into theatrical troupe kind and revised kind by Qu experts. The former includes "33 scene- edition" and "34 scene-edition", and the latter includes Yinliuzhai edition and Guwulianshaolu edition. The former is considered as extremely classical “music on the stage” in terms of characterization, conception and composition of the play, its dramatic language and so on. And "Yinliuzhai edition" of the latter revises the theatrical troupe version greatly from the aspects of its main contents and lyrics so that it is greatly improved  in art and reflects the taste and drama concept of Qu expert Xu Zhiheng.
Key words: Zhu Zuochao; Yanyun Pavilion; manuscripts; theatrical troupe version; revised version by Qu experts; Xu Zhiheng
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