自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 网络社会的法律治理是一个时代性难题。囿于网络社会线上与线下各种关系的盘根错节和瞬息多变,以及治理关系本身的纵横交错,我国网络社会法律治理为应对热点而过于关注具体规则颁行,存在就问题谈问题、就治理谈治理之“失重”状态。只有以平台为重点进行网络社会的法律治理,才算抓住了根本。网络社会法律治理之以平台为重点的具体展开,须从理念调适和制度型构两个维度入手。理念维度,须尊重网络平台运行的内在机理、数字经济发展规律及网络平台的动态扩张逻辑;制度维度,应宏构以宪法为基础,以网络关键基础设施保护法、软件发展创新促进法、信息内容规范管理法等三部专门性法律为主干,由其他若干法律法规协调配套的法律制度体系。
关键词: 网络社会;网络平台;法律治理;工具理性;平台
With the platform as the focus:A new vision of legal governance in network society
ZHANG Xinping
(School of Law,Central South University,Changsha 410006,China)
Abstract: The legal governance of the network society is an epochal problem. Due to the intertwined and transient changes of various online-offline relationships in the network society, as well as the crisscrossing of the governance relationships themselves, the legal governance of the network society in our country pays too much attention to the issue of specific rules in response to hot topics, there exists the "weightlessness" malaise of only discussing problems for problems and discussing governance for governance. Only when the internet society is governed legally with the platform as the focus, can we grasp the essence of the problem. The platform-focused specific development of legal governance in the network society must start from two dimensions: conceptual adjustment and institutional structure. The concept dimension must respect the internal mechanism of network platform operation, the law of digital economy development and the dynamic expansion logic of network platform, while the dimension of the institutional system should be a macro-structure of a legal system with the Constitution as the basis, with three specialized laws as the backbone, including the Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Law, the Software Development and Innovation Promotion Law, and the Information Content Regulation Management Law, coordinated and matched by several other laws and regulations.
Key words: network society; network platform; legal governance;instrument rationality; platform
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