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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作于清代同治至光绪年间的《梦痴说梦》将《红楼梦》当作“丹经”之作。通过改变《红楼梦》“小说书”的存在身份,《梦痴说梦》基于“证道”角度,尝试以《红楼梦》的“稗官”写作为“内丹”作通俗化剖析,希冀诱发“慕道君子”在阅读《红楼梦》的过程中实现“修行路上”的登堂入室。“证道”作为通俗小说一种特殊的阅读视角,是当时的读者从社会文化需求的角度探寻通俗小说社会价值的体现。这是一种改变通俗小说社会角色与存在身份的建构行为,既有助于扩展通俗小说文本接受或意义展现的渠道,亦可考察知识阶层对通俗小说浸入普通大众日常生活的期待视域。
关键词: 《红楼梦》;《梦痴说梦》;证道;阅读史
A testifying interpretation of A Dream of Red Mansionsby Meng Chi ShuoMeng:Also on its significance to the study on the reading history of popular novels
WEN Qingxin
(College of Literature, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China)
Abstract: Meng Chi ShuoMeng, which was created at the same period from Tongzhi to Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty as A Dream of Red Mansions, regarded the latter as a classic canon. By altering the academic identity of A Dream of Red Mansions as fiction, Meng Chi ShuoMeng, from the perspective of testification, attempts to take its writing of low-rank officials as an intrinsic factor for popularization analysis, hoping to arouse gentlemanlike readers to attain their catharsis pilgrimage in the process of reading A Dream of Red Mansions. As a special reading perspective of popular novels, testification is an important manifestation for the reader at that time to explore the social value of popular novels. This approach changes the social role of popular fiction and constructs its existential identity, not only helping to expand the channels for the acceptance of popular fiction texts, but also exploring the expectations of the intellectuals on how popular novels could invade into the daily lives of ordinary people.
Key words: A Dream of Red Mansions; Meng Chi ShuoMeng; testification; reading history
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