自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 晚清以降,在传统文化、传统意义系统出现剧烈震荡时,现代中国思想文化界既批判传统思想,又结合“国家民族的改造”目标,提出了意义重构的问题,旨在“借思想文化以解决问题”,并建构起一整套具有现代性价值的意义系统。这不仅呼应了时代变革的诉求,而且成为中国新文化和新文学发生的逻辑基点。陈独秀、胡适等人大力倡导“文学改良”“文学革命”,重点是关注新文学在价值层面、意义层面上的整体转换,期待新文学能够在这两个方面发生根本性的转变:一是超越传统的“文以载道”的意义约束,表现现代中国人对个性解放、人格独立及精神自由的向往;二是通过文化反省与批判,赋予新文学现代性价值的意义内涵。这就使得中国新文学在发生之际就表现出给予现代中国人的性格、心理和精神等诸多领域高度关注的创作特点,展现出向民族文化性格和心理结构深处开掘的创作走向,具有鲜明的现代性价值创作理念,有力地推动了中国文化和文学的现代转型和发展。
关键词: 意义重构;现代转型;新文化;新文学
The meaning reconstruction of Chinese ideology and culture in the late Qing Dynasty and the emergence of modern Chinese literature
HUANG Jian,  LU Shan
(School of Literature, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)
Abstract: Ever since the late Qing Dynasty, whenever there has been drastic agitation in the traditional culture and traditional meaning system, the modern circle of Chinese ideology and culture, by both criticizing traditional thoughts and combining the target of “national reconstruction”, would have put forward the issue of meaning reconstruction, to aim at “borrowing ideology and culture to solve problems”, and constructing a whole set of meaning system with modernity value. This not only echoes the appeals for the reform of the times, but also becomes the logical basis for the emergence of Chinese New Culture and New Literature. Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi and others strongly advocated “literature reformation” and “literature revolution”, whose focus is on the overall transformation of the new literature at both value and meaning levels, in the hope that new literature can take an essential turn in the following two aspects. One is to transcend the meaning constraints of "writings conveying the Tao", which manifests modern Chinese people's pursuit for individuality emancipation, personality independence and spirit freedom. The other is to endow new literature with the meaning connotation of modernity value through cultural introspection and criticism. This makes Chinese New Literature show such writing features from the very beginning as modern Chinese character, psychology, spirit and many other fields to be attended to, hence revealing such creating trends as exploring into deep national culture character and psychological structure, holding striking creation concept with modernity value, and finally vigorously promoting the modern transformation and development of Chinese culture and literature.
Key words: meaning reconstruction; modern transformation; New Culture; New Literature
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