自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 王心敬是清初“尊朱辟王”思潮中为数不多的尊奉阳明心学的学者之一。他逆时代思潮而动,借由对《四书》的创造性诠释,积极介入和回应是时的全国性学术议题“朱、王之争”,开显出“《大学》为宗”“会通朱王”“推重主敬”以及“摆落训诂”的学术旨趣。他对阳明心学的挺立和坚守虽然没有改变阳明心学的颓势,亦未能抵挡考据学成为乾嘉时期的“显学”,但却维系了阳明心学在清初关中地区的主导地位,亦以“义理经学”的面相抵制考据之学在关中地区的渗透,并以个案的形式昭示了阳明心学、乾嘉汉学在清代不同地区的演进绝非是同步等质的,而是有着明显的地域和时空差异的。这一个案,启示在学术研究中必须注意地域性和普遍性之间错综复杂的关系,避免以地域代表全国或以全国遮蔽地域的偏差。
关键词: 王心敬;四书学;会通朱王;由王返朱
The academic thrust and theoretical value of Wang Xinjing's views on the Four Books
LI Jingfeng
(Department of Philosophy, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China)
Abstract: Wang Xinjing was one of the few scholars who revered Yangming's philosophy of the mind in the ideological trend of "Honoring Chu but Debasing Wang" during the early Qing Dynasty. Contrary to the thinking of the times, Wang Xinjing, through his creative interpretation of the Four Books, took an active part in and responded to the national academic issue of "the Dispute between Chu and Wang", hence starting such academic interests as "taking Great Learning as the doctrine", "integrating Chu and Wang", "attaching importance to emphasis and reverence" and "getting rid of exegesis". Although his insistence on Yangming's philosophy did not succeed in changing the decline of this doctrine, and also failed to resist the emergence of exegesis as the mainstream in the Qianjia period, it did maintain the dominant position of Yangming's philosophy in Guanzhong region in the early Qing dynasty, and, in the form of "the study of exegesis", prevented the penetration of the textual research. Besides, it revealed, in the form of case study, that Yangming's philosophy and Qianjia Sinology are essentially different in geography, time and space rather than being synchronous and equi-substantial in the process of evolution in different regions of the Qing Dynasty. This case study enlightens that in academic study, we must pay attention to the complex relationships between territoriality and universality so as to avoid the deviation and mistake that a region represents the whole country or that the whole country obscures a region.
Key words: Wang Xinjing; study on the Four Books; integrating Chu Hsi and Wang Yangming; return from Wang Yangming's theory to Chu Hsi's theory
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