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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 晚清时期,为解决洋商拖欠货款问题,华商及其商业组织曾实行对洋商的联合斗争。这是华商在强权欺压下作出的无奈选择,也是中国固有商事习惯在中西经济交往过程中的承袭和延伸。此类斗争自19世纪70年代后时有出现,地点多集中于口岸地区,尤以茶叶、生丝贸易集散地——上海和汉口最为激烈、典型。斗争方式主要分为两种:一是共同议定新的贸易章程,预防和惩治洋商拖欠货款的行为;二是集体控诉洋商的失信和欺压,联合抵制同洋商的贸易。这些联合斗争大多通过同业行会或地域性商帮组织与实施,体现了中国传统商业组织的近代化转型,在晚清中国国力衰弱的情况下,对减少外国势力的侵略和欺压、建立中外之间平等互利的经贸关系有着不可忽视的作用,但由于其组织形式的局限,以及缺乏政府的有力支持,未能造成广泛的声势和影响。
关键词: 晚清;涉外货款纠纷;华商;联合斗争
The united struggles of Chinese merchants against foreign businessmen in payment disputes in the Late Qing Dynasty
CAO Ying
(College of History and Culture, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China)
Abstract: In the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese merchants and their commercial organizations carried out united struggles against foreign businessmen to solve the problem of payment in arrears. They were helpless choices made by Chinese businessmen under the oppression of power, and also the inheritance and extension of China's inherent commercial customs in the economic exchanges between China and Western countries. This kind of struggles had appeared from time to time since the 1870s, and the places were mainly in the port areas, especially in Shanghai and Hankou, the distribution centers of tea and raw silk trade, where the struggles were the most intense and typical. There were two main ways of struggles: the first was to jointly agree on new trade regulations to prevent and punish foreign merchants' default on payment for goods; The second was to collectively accuse foreign businessmen of dishonesty, fraud and oppression, and boycott trading with them. Most of these struggles were organized and carried out by trade guilds or regional business groups, which reflected the modern transfoArmation of Chinese traditional commercial organizations. In the late Qing Dynasty, when China's national strength was weak, they played an important role in reducing the invasion and oppression of foreign forces and establishing equal and mutually beneficial economic and trade relations between China and foreign countries. However, due to the limitations of their organizational forms and the lack of strong support from the government, they failed to exert widespread momentum and influence.
Key words: the Late Qing Dynasty; payment disputes with foreigners; Chinese merchants; the united struggles
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