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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 作为罗马历史上最重要的政治人物之一,盖乌斯·马略在共和国末期的公共形象被高度理想化。在共和国末期的社会记忆中,马略褪去了其作为政治领袖的复杂性与多面性,戴上了伟人与完人的光环。他被视为伟大的将军,杰出的人民领袖,强有力的政治家。这一现象的出现,是一系列现实因素与社会记忆因素综合作用的结果。共和国末期的人们对过去的理解与现实需求为马略公共形象的理想化提供了土壤;马略本人举世瞩目的业绩、适时去世以及与苏拉长期敌对,是其形象被理想化的重要因素;共和末年民主化浪潮的兴起,是马略公共形象走向理想化的加速器。在这一历史进程中,社会记忆的选择性、开放性与简单化等特性始终在背后发挥作用,是马略完美公共形象形成的文化机制。客观历史、现实需要与社会记忆之间呈现出复杂的互动关系。
关键词: 盖乌斯·马略;公共形象;社会记忆;罗马共和国
The idealization of Gaius Marius’ public image and its causes in the late Republican Rome
LIU Xiaoqing
(School of History and Culture, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China)
Abstract: As one of the most important statesmen in his time, Gaius Marius’ public image were highly idealized in the late Republican Rome. In the collective memory of the society at that time, Marius, rather than a complicated and multi-dimensional politician, was endowed with the hue of a great man and a perfect man, considered as an excellent general, an outstanding leader of the people and a strong statesman. The emergence of such a phenomenon resulted from both the social and memory factors. Firstly, people's understanding of the past and the need of the times provided the fertile soil for idealizing Marius' public image. Secondly, Marius' own world-renowned performances, timely death and his long-term opposition with Sula were important factors. Finally, the rising of the democratization process in the late Republican Rome served as the accelerator for Marius' public image to be idealized. And in this historical process, such traits as selectivity, open nature and simplification of social memory, were all exerting their impacts from behind, functioning as the cultural mechanism in elevating Marius' public image. The objective history, practical need and social memory presented a complex and interactive relationship.
Key words: Gaius Marius; public image; social memory; Republican Rome
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