自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 畅通政企沟通渠道是“放管服”改革的重点,行政负担转移是其中的关键一环。基于行政负担理论,构建了“放管服”改革中行政负担转移的分析框架,并采用最大不可能的案例研究方法对C市“放管服”改革的进程进行了实地调研。研究发现:行政负担转移是“放管服”改革发挥作用的核心机制,是理解国家治理能力现代化的核心变量。政府通过政务服务帮代办、“互联网+政务服务”以及审批中心主题式窗口建设等方式,能有效地实现行政负担的转移和激发企业的活力。从对政策的启示来看,“放管服”改革要有效转移基于筛查机制的行政负担,进而优化营商环境;要打好“政策组合拳”,多个面向持续发力,促进行政负担转移。
关键词: “放管服”改革;营商环境;行政负担;转移机制;案例过程追踪
An empirical study on smoothening government-enterprise interaction channel in China’s administrative reform
LIAO Fuchong
(School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai,200433,China)
Abstract: Smoothening government-enterprise interaction channel is the focus of administrative reform, and the shift of administrative burden is the key step.  Based on administrative burden theory, this paper develops an administrative burden shift analytic framework, and by collecting the least likely case study method, undertakes a field study on administrative reform in county C. The research finds that the administrative burden shift from the enterprise to the state is the key mechanism of the business environment promotion, and is also the key variable of understanding governance capability of our country. The government, through the service helping system, e-government platform and the one-stop service center, can effectively realize the shift of administrative burden and stimulate the vitality of the enterprise. As for policy inspirations, future administrative reform should effectively shift the administrative burden based on screening mechanism so as to optimize business environment, and should take advantage of policy combinations,  sustain development from many facets, and promote the shift of administrative shift.
Key words: administrative reform; business environment; administrative burden; the shift mechanism; case process tracking
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