自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 改革开放以来,知识界在短暂的“蜜月期”后迅速进入“众声喧哗”的“后革命”时代。转型期的语境变革带来了重审新启蒙和社会主义革命的契机。当个人化写作的极端演绎导致情感冷漠、思想贫瘠现象日渐突出时,文学对集体道德、公平正义等社会主义价值理念的重新召唤在某种程度上呈现出否定之否定的意义。韩少功通过回望社会主义革命传统反观当下现实,建构了开放、“及物”的参照系;通过对革命时代及市场经济时代的整体性书写,试图剥离情绪化和对立化,重新发掘人民性、集体性和公平正义等社会主义道德价值。他的社会主义想象及文学实践,在“后革命”时代的社会主义想象中表现出一种鲜明的异质性。
关键词: 韩少功;“后革命”时代;人民性;集体性;公平正义;社会主义想象
Socialist imagination in the post-revolutionary era: Han Shaogong's writing ideology and practice
YU Qingyao
(School of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)
Abstract: Since the Reform and Opening-up, the intellectual circles, after a brief “honeymoon period”, stepped into the post-revolutionary era which was full of sound and fury. The contextual transformation in this transitional period brought about an opportunity to revaluate the New Enlightenment and the Socialist Revolution. When the extreme spread of personalized writing leads to emotional indifference, sterility of thoughts and spirit becomes more and more striking, and the rejuvenation of socialist values in literature such as collectiveness,fairness and justice, presents the meaning of “negation of negation” to some extent. By looking back at the tradition of socialist revolution, and by observing the current society, Han Shaogong constructs a reference system with openness and transitiveness. Through the holistic writing of the revolutionary era and the market economy era, he attempts to stop thinking in an emotional and antagonistic way, and to rediscover the socialist moral values of people principles, collectiveness, fairness and justice. His socialist imagination and literary practice manifest a distinct heterogeneity in the socialist imagination of the post-revolutionary era.
Key words: Han Shaogong; post-revolutionary era; people principles; collectiveness; fairness and justice; socialist imagination
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