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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “中国锐实力说”反映出西方保守派对中国崛起在思想上、文化上对西方统治力冲击的担忧。通过概念辨析与案例比较可得知,这一论断是一个伪命题。中国利用经济软实力、文化软实力开展的对外交流工作并不能与以传播虚假信息为核心特征的“锐实力”画上等号。应对“中国锐实力说”的最佳途径即是改善中国的国际形象,其不仅有赖于中方对软实力资源的发掘,也取决于中方如何传播文化软实力。虽然通过人文交流和文化外交施加软实力影响已经成为中国外交的重要任务之一,但必须清楚认识到,我国在这一领域的工作还存在一些问题亟待解决:在政策设计上要突出人文交流中“文化对话”的特性;在实践手段上要提高文化软实力运用的技巧。这是中国新时代外交面临的一项长期的、重要的任务。
关键词: 文化外交;国家形象塑造;文化软实力;锐实力
To refute that “China is a sharp power”: China’s soft power application and international image construction from the perspective of culture diplomacy
YAN Xiaoxiao
(Research Institute of International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai 200020, China)
Abstract: That “China is a sharp power” reflects the western conservatives’ anxiety over the impact of China’s rise on western dominant thoughts and cultures. Based on concept decomposition and case comparison, this paper argues that it is a pseudo proposition that China is a sharp power. China’s culture output by applying its economic soft power and cultural soft power should not be equated to sharp power characterized by diffusion of false information. The best way to counter “sharp power” is improvement of China’s oversea image, which not only depends on exploring soft power resource, but also on smartly transmitting cultural soft power. It has become one of the important tasks for China's diplomacy to impose soft power influence through humanity exchanges and culture diplomacy, but it must be clearly recognized that there still are some problems for China to resolve in the field. First in policy making, the trait of cultural dialogue should be highlighted. Second in skill applying, cultural soft power should be improved. This is a long-term task for China’s diplomacy in the new era.
Key words: culture diplomacy; national image construction; cultural soft power; sharp power
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