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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 晚明时期的骈文批评有许多主题,其中很重要的主题是尊体论。这固然有将骈文作为审美对象的因素,但更多的是出于对此前正统文人士大夫们鄙视骈文的一种反动。而晚明骈文批评家们在推尊骈文的过程中,对骈文存在的合理性辩护、经典品质的发掘与实用功能的阐发,应该说,确实达到了他们推尊骈文的目的。而他们对骈文的这种推尊,具有极为重要的理论价值与文学史意义,即促进了人们对骈文的认识,提升了骈文的文学地位,改变了人们关于骈文的文学观念,并推动了骈文创作的发展。
关键词: 骈文;晚明时期;推尊;批评
Holding in esteem for the style: Pursuit for theory on criticizing parallel prose in the late Ming Dynasty
LI Jinsong
(College of Liberal Arts, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)
Abstract: There were many themes about criticizing parallel prose in the late Ming Dynasty, among which a very important one lies in holding in esteem for parallel prose style. Reasons involve, of course, taking the parallel prose an aesthetic object, but more a reaction against the tendency before that orthodox writers and intellectuals despised parallel prose. In the late Ming Dynasty, critics of parallel prose, in the process of holding in esteem for parallel prose style, defended the fairness of the existence of parallel prose, explored its classic quality and elucidated its practical function, hence, to be more exact, essentially achieving their purpose of holding in esteem for the style. And their esteem indicates extremely important value in theory and significance in literary history, that is, promoting people's recognition of parallel prose, elevating literary status of parallel prose, altering people’s literary concept of parallel prose, and pushing forward the development of composing parallel prose.
Key words: parallel prose; the late Ming Dynasty; holding in esteem for; criticism
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