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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 贵族清谈、佛教活动对语言音乐美的普遍讲求,构成齐梁声律论的外部背景。而就文学内部而言,辞赋因其在由言向文、由谋篇到练字、由散到骈等文学发展脉络中的独特地位,有效地推动了声律论的发生发展。赋学因此成为声律论争的重要话语资源:不仅涵盖自然与人为声律之争、赋史流变等时代语境,而且暗含后世辞赋古、律之争的端倪。同时,声律论反过来又深刻影响了沈约、庾信等齐梁赋家的创作,沈约、王筠《郊居赋》纪事便是梁初声律传承的重要佐证。齐梁声律论也因其在律赋书写规范确立中的作用,成为辞赋音乐谱系构建的关键一环。
关键词: 声律论;赋学;沈约;《郊居赋》;庾信
The musical genealogy of Ci Fu: An analysis ofthe relationship between the theory of linguistic rhythm andFu Xue in the Qi and Liang Dynasties
LIU Xiang
(College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an710049, China)
Abstract: The general pursuit of the musical beauty of the language in aristocratic conversation and Buddhist activities forms the backdrop of the theory of Linguistic Rhythm in the Qi and Liang Dynasties. As far as the intrinsic of literature is concerned, Ci Fu effectively promotes the development of the theory of Linguistic Rhythm because of its unique position in the context of literature development from words to texts, from MouPian(谋篇)to LianZi(练字), and from San(散) to Pian(骈). Fu Xue has become an important discourse resource for the debate on the rhythm: Fu Xue not only covers the argument of the natural and artificial rhythm and the evolution of Ci Fu, but also the controversy of the Gu Fu and the Lv Fu in later dynasties. At the same time, the theory of Linguistic Rhythm has in turn influenced the formation of ShenYue and Yu Xin, as well as other Fu Jia in the Qi and Liang Dynasties. ShenYue and Wang Yun's discussion of Jiaoju Fu offers an important evidence by which the next generation inherits the theory of Linguistic Rhythm from the previous generation. Qi Liang's theory of Linguistic Rhythm has also become a key link in the construction of the music pedigree system of Ci Fu, due to its role in the establishment of the Lv Fu's writing specification.
Key words: the theory of Linguistic Rhythm; Fu Xue; ShenYue; Jiaoju Fu; Yu Xin
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