自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《世说新语》首创分类体系寄寓价值判断的范式,其条目归属反映出编者的关注重点和批评立场,此即 “以类为评”。在此新视角下,《世说新语》分类体系接受史呈现出三种面相:一是历代评者围绕归类问题聚讼纷纭,以致形成了专属《世说新语》的批评传统。二是因明中后期小说编选蔚然成风,彼时恰逢《世说新语》颇为流行,《世说新语》条目不断被纳入其他小说集中,直面诸多编者对原书归类的重审与改造。三是“世说体”小说乃至其他更多作品,直接或间接地借鉴了“以类为评”范式的精神实质。正因“以类为评”难平众议,原书的批评思路和条目内涵在后来的观念交锋中得到持续深化和开拓,遂使“以类为评”成为开放式、生长型的批评框架。这是《世说新语》分类体系的一大贡献。
关键词: 《世说新语》;分类;接受史;评点;“以类为评”
“Criticism hidden in classification”: A new perspective in the acceptance history of Shishuo Xinyu
LIN Ying
(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)
Abstract: Shishuo Xinyu first created the paradigm that classification system is endowed with value judgment. Its category setting and entries attribution imply the editor's attention, emphasis and critical points of view, that is, the so-called phenomenon of “Criticism Hidden in Classification.” Under this new perspective, the reception history of Shishuo Xinyu was in three manifestations. One was that critics of various generations debated over its classification so that there appeared a critical tradition which belonged exclusively to Shishuo Xinyu. Moreover, due to the trend in compilation of featured fiction during mid and late Ming, the entries of Shishuo kept being adopted into various books, facing a new round of redefinition and transformation by many compilers. The third aspect refers to the benchmark effect of the pioneering paradigm, “Criticism Hidden in Classification”. It should be noticed that it was the unavoidably divided opinions that have profoundly made the paradigm an open and growing critical framework, which is a remarkable contribution of the classification system of Shishuo Xinyu.
Key words: Shishuo Xinyu; classification; acceptance history; commentary; “Criticism Hidden in Classification”
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