自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 充裕的邻里社会资本是推动城市社区有效治理的嵌入性行动基础,但日益严重的社区阶层分割对此提出了严峻挑战。基于中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)2012年基线数据,运用多层线性模型(HLM)探讨了城市社区阶层分割对邻里社会资本的影响。研究发现,邻里社会资本除了受到个体生命历程、户籍、住房产权、社会信任感、主观社会等级、社团活动参与度等个体性因素的影响外,还在社区层面存在一定的空间聚集性;社区阶层构成对邻里社会资本存在显著影响,社区的平均教育阶层地位和平均经济阶层地位越高,或经济阶层异质性越小,居民的邻里社会资本会越低,但多参与社团活动对此具有调节效应。参与社团活动越积极的居民,其邻里社会资本更少受社区平均经济阶层地位提升所带来的负向影响,且受社区经济阶层异质性增加而带来的正向影响也更为显著。
关键词: 社区阶层分割;平均阶层地位;阶层异质性;邻里社会资本
Stratification of urban community and neighborhood social capital of urban citizens: A multi-level analysis
LI Bin, ZHANG Guisheng
(School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Affluent neighborhood social capital functions as the embedded basis in promoting the effective governance of urban community, but increasingly deteriorating stratification of unban community poses severe challenge to it. Based on the baseline data of CLDS 2012, this paper, by adopting Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), explores the influence of stratification of unban community on neighborhood social capital of citizens. Findings show that neighborhood social capital also holds certain spatial clustering at the community level apart from being influenced by individual factors such as individual life process, household registration, housing property right, social trust, subjective social hierarchy, participation in community activities, that community class composition exerts significant impact on neighborhood social capital, and that the higher the status of the average educational class and the average economical class, or the smaller the heterogeneity of economic class, the lower the social capital of the neighborhood. What’s more, residents who participate more in community activities are less negatively affected by the status of the average economic class in the community, and more positively affected by the heterogeneity of the economic class in the community.
Key words: stratification of community class; average class status; class heterogeneity; neighborhood social capital
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