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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 案外人异议之诉是案外人及当事人权利救济制度,兼具形成之诉和确认之诉两种性质,不同于传统诉讼类型。目前,民事实体法的权益冲突规则与案外人异议程序的权益冲突处理规则所体现的思路并不一致,突出体现在多重买卖与案外人异议程序中的权益冲突规则的差异。比较多重买卖规则与案外人异议程序规则,在构建异议之诉权益冲突规则时,以吸收《异议复议规定》既有规则为妥,同时补充《异议复议规定》所未明确的规则,在实践中谨慎使用物权期待权的概念,防止出现审判执行中的混乱。
关键词: 案外人异议之诉;权益冲突规则;案外人异议程序;多重买卖
On the conflict rules of rights and interests of the lawsuit against civil executive objection by an outsider: Taking as perceptive point the comparison between multiple trading and outsider objection rules
WANG Baodao
(School of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law, CUPL, Beijing 100088, China)
Abstract: The Civil Executive Objection is the rights relief system for both the party involved in the case and the outsider of it. Different from traditional litigation types, it bears special proceedings of the formation lawsuit and the confirmation lawsuit. At present, the conflict of interest rules of the civil substantive law is inconsistent with the ideas of the conflicts of interest handling rules of the outsider's opposition procedure, which is prominently reflected in the differences in the rules of conflict of interests in the multiple trading and the opposition case. Existent rules for the Objection Reconsideration Rules should be adopted and supplemented, when constructing an objection conflict of interest conflict rules. In practice, we should carefully use the concept of expectation property rights to prevent confusion in trial execution.
Key words: the lawsuit against the civil executive objection by an outsider; the adjudication rules; outsider objection procedure; multiple trading
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