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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 清代杭州驻防八旗是一个既具时代特色,又具地域和民族特色的特殊文学群体。它以满族、蒙古族为主,本以“镇浙”为目的,却因世居杭州,发展为文风鼎盛的“柳营”。其文学生态的生成及衍变深受地域文化和民族政策的影响,折射出旗营文化与杭州当地文化的碰撞、交流和融合。杭州旗营濒临西湖,人文地理环境得天独厚,旗人在经历了从征服者到定居者的身份转变后,对杭州的认同感、归属感渐趋强烈。嘉庆年间,针对驻防旗人的科举制度的变革,促进了旗营文教事业的发展,激发了旗人学习汉文化的热情,并对旗营文学的发展起到导向和催生作用。驻防中后期,杭州旗人与汉族文士的广泛交游促进了相互间的文学交流,同乡情谊是他们重要的情感纽带。杭州旗营作为一个相对独立的文化空间,其内部基于亲族、姻族和师友的文学传承及互助,也推动着旗营文学的繁荣。
关键词: 驻防八旗;文学生态;杭州;民族;科举
The literature ecology of eight banners in Hangzhou garrison in the Qing Dynasty
CAO Yizhen
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China)
Abstract: In the Qing Dynasty, eight banners in Hangzhou garrison was a special literary group with unique features of not only the times, but also the region and the nation. The eight banners, consisting mainly of Manchu and Mongolian ethnics, originally meant to suppress Zhejiang, but turned out to be a military camp featuring prosperity in literary style after staying in Hangzhou for generations. The evolvement of its literature ecology was deeply influenced by regional culture and national policy, reflecting the collision, communication and integration between eight banners culture and local culture in Hangzhou. Hangzhou Banner Camp was close to the West Lake, whose cultural and geographical environment was advantageous. After experiencing a transformation from conqueror to settler, the eight banners acquired a more and more intense sense of identity and belonging. In the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, the reform for the banners in the imperial examination system promoted the development of their culture and education, stimulated their interest in learning Chinese, and functioned as guide and impetus for the development of their literature. In the mid and late periods of their garrison, the extensive communications between the banners and Han scholars promoted mutual exchange in literature with camaraderie as their important emotional bond. As Hangzhou Banner Camp was a relatively independent cultural space, its literary inheritance and mutual assistance based on kinship and marriage as well as teachers and students, also pushed the prosperity of literature.
Key words: the eight banners in garrison; the literature ecology; Hangzhou; nation; the imperial examinations
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