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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在缺乏共识的时代,《合同法》《物权法》《破产法》等是《民间借贷规定》第24条解释的基础。基于此,第24条第1款中“买卖合同”应为有效的买卖合同,“买卖合同担保”则为备案登记担保。第24条第2款中“申请拍卖”是法律引导当事人在价值评估清算的基础上可以选择实现担保的方式。就此,《民间借贷规定》第24条所涉买卖合同担保应定位为一种正在向法定担保物权过渡的担保方式,出借人就拍卖所得享有的优先受偿权限于一般债权,但在破产程序中并不享有别除权,其效力弱于典型担保。该释义路径不仅与最高人民法院第72号指导性案例具有一致性,也契合法定担保物权之体系,有助于破除司法解释“立法化”悖论,为其融入民法典提供可取的路径。民法典物权编应将买卖合同担保融入法定担保物权体系之中。
关键词: 民法典体系;司法解释;《民间借贷规定》第24条;买卖合同担保
Interpretation of Article 24 in Private Lending Regulations from the perspective of civil law system: Also on the entry of the guarantee of sales contract into the civil code
XU Zhongyuan, XIA Qin
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410020, China)
Abstract: In an age when consensus is hard to reach, the Contract Law, the Property Law, the Bankruptcy Law and so on should be the basis for the interpretation of Article 24 of Private Lending Regulations. Based on this, "Sales Contract" in Item 1 of Article 24 should be an effective sales contract, and the guarantee of sales contracts should be that of registration record. “Applying for Auction” in Item 2 of Article 24 is the law that guides the parties to choose how to implement the guarantee on the basis of value assessment and liquidation. In this regard, the guarantee of the sales contract under Article 24 of the Private Lending Regulations should be positioned as a way of guarantee at its transition to statutory security interest. The lender has the right to receive the preferential repayment of the auction, but in the bankruptcy proceedings, the lender cannot enjoy the rights to remove and its effectiveness is weaker than the typical guarantee. Such interpretation is not only consistent with No. 72 guidance case of the Supreme People's Court, but also legally conforms to the system of security property rights. It also helps to eliminate the paradox of judicial interpretation and provides a desirable path for its integration into civil code. Therefore, the civil code should integrate this kind of guarantee into the statutory security property system.
Key words: civil code system; judicial interpretation; Article 24 of the Private Lending Regulations; the guarantee of sales contracts
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