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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 就中国现代性诉求而言,现代新儒学非但不是新文化运动的对立面,反倒对新文化运动持积极肯定态度。现代新儒学对新文化运动的反省和思想推进在于:它不仅坚持“现代性诉求”,而且注重“民族性表达”“儒学表达”,即不再拒斥儒学对于现代性的意义,而是通过“回归传统”来建构现代性。这一“回归传统”的工作着眼于作为“儒学之根本”的“儒学传统”,而非作为“既有之儒学”的“传统儒学”。现代新儒家第一代,力图解构传统儒学的形而下学理论,建构科学知识论和现代性政治哲学、伦理学,并重构儒家形而上学来为之奠基;熊十力“新唯识论”、冯友兰“新理学”、张君劢“新宋学”等哲学体系都体现出这种一般性思考。当代儒学的开展,一方面要自觉意识到“儒学传统”不同于“传统儒学”,另一方面应该接续现代新儒学的基本原则:儒学复兴不应拒斥现代性,而要以坚持现代性诉求为前提。
关键词: 新文化运动;现代新儒家;现代性诉求;儒学传统;传统儒学
Confucian expression of Chinese modernity appeal: Philosophical construction of the first generation of modern Neo-Confucianism
(School of Philosophy and Social Development, HuaQiao University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: In terms of Chinese modernity appeal, modern Neo-Confucianism, far from being the opposite of the New Culture Movement, holds instead an active and affirmative attitude towards it. Neo-Confucian retrospection and ideological progress of the New Culture Movement lie in that it not only insists on its modernity appeal, but also lays emphasis on nationalistic expression and Confucian expression, indicating that it, rather than resisting, explores the implication that Confucianism has for modernity so as to construct modernity by going back to tradition. Such backward turning, rather than the traditional Confucianism which refers to the existing Confucianism, focuses on Confucian tradition which is the essence of Confucianism. The first generation of Neo-Confucianism attempts to deconstruct the traditional Confucianism, to construct political philosophy and ethics with scientific knowledge and modernity, and to reconstruct Confucian metaphysics as its foundation. Such generalized thinking is embodied in such philosophical systems as Xiong Shi-li's “New Doctrine of Consciousness,” Feng You-lan's "New Philosophy" and Zhang Jun-mai's “New Study of Song”. The undertaking of modern Confucianism should on the one hand pay attention to the conscious recognition that Confucian tradition does not equate traditional Confucianism, and on the other hand to the basic principle in continuing with modern Neo-Confucianism. As a result, the revival of Confucianism, instead of resisting modernity, should instead take the insistence on modernity appeal as its requisite condition.
Key words: The New Culture Movement; modern Neo-Confucianism; modernity appeal; Confucian tradition; traditional Confucianism
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