自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 以湖南湘阴话为切入点,从语言类型学、认知语言学和语法化的角度论证汉语方言中双音节被动标记的来源及其与给予义双宾语序的蕴含关系。在双音节被动标记形成之前,存在着双音节给予动词阶段,伴随着“给予—使役—被动”的语义演变,双音节给予动词在句法上由重新分析而介词化。另外,在双音节被动标记与给予义双宾语序的蕴含关系中,给予义双宾语序是双音节被动标记形成与否的核心制约因素。也就是说,若某方言存在双音节被动标记,则给予义双宾倾向于采取非“VO间O直”语序,反之亦可。该蕴含关系可以得到跨方言的普遍验证。
关键词: 湘阴话;双音节被动标记;给予义双宾结构;类型学
A study on the passive marking of double syllables and its typological value of Xiangyin dialect in Hunan
CAI Wang
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)
Abstract: The present essay, by taking Xiangyin dialect in Hunan as the research target, and by employing the perspective of linguistic typology, cognitive linguistics and grammaticalization of dialects, intends to discuss and demonstrate the source of passive markers of Double Syllables in Chinese dialect and its implication with the double object sequence of meaning “to give”. Before the formation of the double syllable passive marker, there was a period of double syllable of verbs meaning “to give”. With the semantic evolution of “to give—causative—passive”, the double syllables verbs meaning “to give” are prepositioned due to the syntactical reanalysis. In addition, among the implication relation of the double syllables passive markers and double objectives sequence of  verbs meaning “to give”, the double objectives sequence of verbs meaning “to give” is the core restrictive factor for the formation of the double syllable passive marker or not. That is to say, if a dialect has double syllables passive marks, then double objectives of meaning “to give” of will take the opposite word order of “VO间O直”,  vice versa, the implication relation can be generally validated by cross-dialects.
Key words: Xiang-Yin Dialect; double syllable passive marker; double objective structure of meaning to give; typology
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