自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 翻译史学界向来重视翻译对中国文化的影响,而较少关注主流文化如何看待翻译,以及这种翻译观如何传承演变。结合计量史学的方法系统地考察从《史记》至《清史稿》二十五部正史中的翻译类记载可以发现,中国古代的主流文化中先后出现了三种不同的翻译观,分别见于宋代以前的政事外交翻译、佛经翻译和辽代至清代的民族翻译。其更替原因主要在于当时的文化交往框架对翻译实践和正史编纂提出了翻译合理性的拷问。宋代以前的佛经翻译与政事外交翻译分别发生在相对平等和不平等的文化交往框架中,因而形成了两种并行千年而互不影响的翻译观;辽代至清代的少数民族统治显著地提升了正史中翻译的显现度以及翻译在政治统治、民族融合和文化交往中的地位。深入理解这三种翻译观的形成及演变,对于完整而准确地把握古代翻译史脉络,重新认识古代翻译大潮和中国古代的文化走出去具有重要的意义。
关键词: 翻译史;翻译观;文化交往框架;显隐度
Three translation ideologies in Chinese history of translation
XIA Dengshan
(School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)
Abstract: Scholars in the field of Chinese history of translation have overwhelmingly concentrated on the translation’s effect on Chinese culture, neglecting how translation has been viewed in the mainstream culture and how such translation ideologies have evolved. With the quantitative method, the present essay analyzes the lexical collocation and semantic distribution of the concept of “translation” systematically in The Twenty-four Dynastic Histories and The Draft History of Qing. Results show that in ancient China, the practice and historiography of translation were censored by the dominant ideology in the framework of (un)equal cultural communication, and there are overall three distinct translation ideologies in the official documents of dynastic histories. The translation of Buddhist Sutras and the dynastic diplomatic translation had co-existed for a thousand years before Song Dynasty but were independent from each other and the two ideologies behind were mutually immune to a great extent. Compared with the translation activities before Song Dynasty, the translation between Han Chinese and minority languages in Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Qing dynasties exerted a stronger impact on the translation ideology, raising the status of translation in political and cultural communication. It is claimed that the detailed description of the formation and evolution of the three translation ideologies helps to draw an accurate and comprehensive picture of the general history of translation, the dominant translation movements, and the cultural going-out in ancient China.
Key words: history of translation; translation ideologies; framework of cultural communication; degree of visibility
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