文章编号:1672-3104(2017)05-0190-06 |
南京国民政府初期地方自治制度探论 |
黄珍德 |
(华南师范大学历史文化学院,广东广州,510631) |
摘 要: 国民党开始训政后,以地方自治作为训政实施的中心工作,为此制订了较完备的地方自治制度,主要是确立了地方自治的单位和层级、自治组织的构成与职权、自治事务的内容、经费来源与筹措方式。南京国民政府初期的地方自治制度尽管在自治单位、财政等方面与孙中山的理论有所背离,但大致遵从了孙中山关于训政时期通过地方自治发展民权和建设地方的构想。然而,自治制度不能在地方有效落实、自治事务的范围过广、缺少独立的自治财政等诸多问题在一定程度上反映了南京国民政府初期地方自治制度的致命缺陷,并严重制约了各县办理自治的实践。 |
关键词: 南京国民政府;地方自治制度;训政 |
On the local self-governing system at the early stages of Nanjing National Government |
HUANG Zhende |
(School of History and Culture, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China) |
Abstract: When the Kuomintang (KMT) implemented the political tutelage, the local self-government as its central work unit, played an important part, stipulating complete self-governing system, including establishing local autonomous units and levels, their components and rights, contents of self-autonomous affairs, financial sources and monfy-raising. The local self-governing system in the early period of Nanjing National Government departed partly from the theory of Sun Yat-sen in the units and financial sources of the self-governing, but generally complied with Sun Yat-sen’s conception of development and construction of democratic rights. However, the local self-government system had such fatal weaknesses as ineffective implementation, too wide range of self-government affairs and the lack of adequate financial support, which inevitably restricted the practice of self-government in each county. |
Key words: Nanjing National Government; local self-governing system; political tutelage |