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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 村庄共同体是英国乡村社会的重要基层组织,其走向衰落应该是以村庄中公共权利全部丧失为标志的。而这种公共权利的丧失主要包括两层含义:一方面是指,土地上公共权利的丧失,即未开垦的土地等集体财产权以及在开垦地上捡拾庄稼和公共放牧权利的丧失;另一方面是指,村民管理村庄事务的公共权利的丧失,即村民平等参与以及独立管理村庄事务权利的丧失。前者是伴随着公地制度的被破坏开始丧失的;后者则是随着农民的分化以及民族国家的兴起,村庄被纳入到了国家(或者王权)的地方行政组织后丧失的。对于上述问题的探讨,进一步明确了村庄共同体这一乡村基层组织走向衰落的真正推动力,既不是圈地运动的结果,更不是资本家的掠夺所致,而是个体农民力量的普遍增长。
关键词: 村庄共同体;乡村基层组织;公共权利;圈地运动
A study on the decline of village community in England
CHEN Lijun
(Research Institute of European Civilization, Tianjin Normal University ,Tianjin 300387,China)
Abstract: Village community is an important grass-roots organization of rural society in England, whose decline should be marked by the total loss of the common rights in the village as a sign. And such loss mainly includes two meanings: one refers to the loss of common rights of land, namely, loss of collective property rights of the uncultivated land and gleaning and grazing rights of the asset; the other refers to the loss of their rights of the management of public affairs in the village, namely, their loss of equal participation and independent management of village affairs rights. The former is accompanied by the destruction of common land, while the latter is caused by the fact that with the division of peasants and the rise of the nation, the village has been incorporated into the local administrative organizations of the nation (or the crown). Exploration of the above issues will further specify the real force of driving the village community to decline, which, rather than the result of the enclosure movement or the plunder of the capitalists, results from the general increase of the strength of individual farmers.
Key words: village community; rural grass-roots organizations; common rights; enclosure
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