自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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陈帅1, 2,林滨1
(1. 中山大学马克思主义学院,广东广州,510275;
2. 湖南工学院马克思主义学院,湖南衡阳,421002)
摘  要: 主体是福柯研究的中心问题,通过揭示主体的真相,他指出了一条通往个体审美实存的伦理主体化道路。在晚期的生存美学理论中,他研究指出,知识主体对伦理主体的取代源于“认识自我”取代了“自我关注”的中心地位,导致伦理化的审美实存让位于求真意志。建立在分化实践基础上的知识主体建构不仅隐藏着权力逻辑,使得知识主体的建构呈现出规范性、被动性,还让这种主体化取消了个体实存的独特性和审美含义。福柯力图通过以个体“自我技术”实践之生存美学找到回归个体实存的道路,把个体从普遍性和规范性中解放出来,通过一种伦理主体化实现个体的自由的、审美的、伦理化的实存。
关键词: 知识主体;权力;伦理主体;生存美学;自我技术
The return from knowledge subject to ethics subject: The ethical dimension of Foucault's aesthetics of existence
CHEN Shuai1, 2, LIN Bin1
(1. School of Marxism, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. School of Marxism, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang 421002, China)
Abstract: The Subject is the central issue of Foucault study; by revealing the truth of the Subject, Foucault points out a way for the ethical subjectification of individual aesthetic existence. In his theory of Aesthetics of Existence in his later years, he points out that the replacement of the Subject of Knowledge by the Subject of Ethics stems from the result that the central position of “epimeleia heautou” is replaced by “gnothi seauton,” which results in that ethical aesthetic existence gives way to the will for truth. The construction of the Subject of Knowledge based on differentiation practice not only conceals the logic of power and makes the construction of the Subject of Knowledge normative and passive, but also lets the subjectivity cancel the unique aesthetic meaning of the existence of the individual. Foucault attempts to seek a way to return to the existence of the individual by practising the aesthetics of existence through individual “technologies of the self,” letting the individual out of the universal and normative so as to realize the individual's free, aesthetic, and ethical existence through an ethical subjectification.
Key words: the Subject of Knowledge; power; the Subject of Ethics; aesthetics of existence; technologies of the self
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