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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 清前期,黄河治理受到前所未有的重视,皇帝、河督、内政大臣、沿河地方疆吏等各色人等纷纷在河务这一场域登台,围绕治河及其相关问题演绎了一场又一场精彩纷呈的政治戏剧,其中以靳辅治河前后十余年的曲折经历最具代表性。在康熙帝的鼎力支持下,靳辅勤勉治河,颇具成效,但随着治河实践的深入推进,难免触动内政大臣与地方疆吏的利益,靳辅遂被构陷进为康熙帝所深恶痛绝的朋党之争,遭遇免职。整个事件跌宕起伏,充满了利益纷争与权力角逐,折射着那个时期的皇权政治文化特征。
关键词: 清前期;靳辅治河;河督;皇权政治
The governor of the river and the politics of the imperial power in the early Qing Dynasty: A case study on the Jinfu’s managing the Yellow River
JIA Guojing
(School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Jinan 250199, China)
Abstract: In the early Qing Dynasty, managing the Yellow River was one of the most important affairs, so the Emperor, governors of the river, the high-ranking officials and local governors all played an important role in this area. There were so many political events on how to manage the Yellow River well, among which the most representative was Jinfu's managing the Yellow River. Jinfu made great achievements under the close care and support of the Kangxi Emperor, but he was framed into the factional strife abhorred by the Kangxi Emperor and was ousted from his position for his further activities of managing the Yellow River, which damaged the profits of the high-ranking officials and local governors. The whole affair was filled with ups and downs, which disclosed rivalry and disputes over power and interests, and reflected the cultural particularity of the politics of the imperial power.
Key words: the early Qing Dynasty; Jinfu’s managing the Yellow River; the governor of the river; the politics of the imperial power
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