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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 南宋五山禅林的四六疏文包括劝请、山门、诸山、江湖、化缘等种类,作者多为临济宗大慧派僧人,主要用于公共交往。首先,宋代释疏撰制经历了由文人疏向僧人疏的转化过程,五山禅僧作为独立的创作群体出现于南宋后期,表现在文体类别的细化、应用场合的增多、文本载体的丰富。其次,五山禅林住持的选任制度推动了世俗政权与寺院的互动,围绕人事变迁的公共礼仪逐渐成熟,影响了四六疏文的表达策略与辞章结构。第三,五山禅林的寺院建设为募施化缘的疏文提供了广泛应用空间,作者藉助亦僧亦俗的四六语言随机设教,开启了超越凡圣的解脱法门,保持了禅宗文学的当行本色。
关键词: 南宋;五山禅林;公共交往;四六疏文;住持选任
The public communication of wu shan zen buddhists in the Southern Song dynasty and the writing of four and six proses: With Shu as the center for study
(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai200433, China)
Abstract: The four and six Shu proses of Wu Shan Zen buddhists in the Southern Song Dynasty mainly consist of persuasion, mountain gate, mountains, lake and river, and alms, the writers of which mainly belonged to the doctrine of Da Hui Zong Gao and mainly functioned as public communication. First, the composition of Song's Shu proses had witnessed the transformation from the Shu composed by men of letters to that by Buddhists and the appearance of Wu Shan Buddhists as the independent group of composition happened in the late period of South Song Dynasty. The Shu represented itself as  the precise classification, the increase in the occasion on which Shu was used and the richness of writing styles. Second, the system of leader selection of Wu Shan's Zen temple promoted the interaction between temples and political power, leading to the maturity amd exerting great influence on the tact of expression and the structure of Four and Six Shu. Third, the construction of temple of Wu Shan Zen Buddhism provided wide space for the Shu which functioned as alms, for the writers used four and six proses to set up theory of Zen casually and opened the gate to the Zen intelligence while at the same time keep the character of Zen literature.
Key words: the Southern Song dynasty; wu shan zen buddhists; public communication; shu of four andsix proses; the selection of temple leaders
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