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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 回顾国有企业法制在现代公司法制背景下的生成历程,不能离开现实国情来把握国有企业法制的发展趋向。国企法制作为一种深具中国国情的现代企业法制安排,首先要遵循现代公司法制尤其现代公司治理结构的安排,同时也要积极探索适合国情与国企现状的治理模式。在此话语背景下,坚持党对国企的领导不动摇与加强党对国企的领导,是全面从严治党在国企改革的题中之意,关键要坚持在现代公司治理的制度框架内来落实党的领导方式,以形成现代公司治理框架下的国企治理模式,而非另起炉灶来构建迥异于现代公司治理模式与精神的党管治理模式。一项新的法制课题是,作为基本法律的《民法总则》关于营利法人治理结构安排的最新规定,为国有企业治理模式框定了新的基本架构。
关键词: 国有企业;现代公司法制;党的领导;公司治理;营利法人
The generation and development of SOEs’ special legal system in the modern company law
LI Jianwei
(School of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 102249, China)
Abstract: Reviewing the generation process of SOE’s legal system in the context of modern company law, we find that we cannot go away from our real national conditions to grasp the development trend of these legal systems. The legal systems for stated-owned enterprises, as special legal systems for modern company with strong Chinese national characteristics, shall first follow modern company laws, particularly rules of modern corporate governance structure. On the other hand, governance models shall be explored more actively for stated-owned enterprises according to conditions of China and state-owned enterprises. In this discourse context, it is advisable for strictly governing the Communist Party of China in state-owned enterprises by sticking to the party’s leadership and enforcing the party’s leadership of these enterprises, and the key is to develop governance models for state-owned enterprises by insisting on the leaderships of the Communist Party of China within modern corporate governance system, rather than to take off in a new direction in building a party supervision governance model, which is profoundly different from modern corporation governance model and spirit. A new topic of law is that The General Rules of Civil Law, as a new basic regulation about the governance model of profitable legal person, frames a new basic structure of state-owned corporation’s governance model.
Key words: state-owned corporation; modern company laws; Party leadership; corporate governance; profitable legal person
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