文章编号:1672-3104(2015)06-0008-06 |
论马克思意识形态概念的德国渊源 |
陈明 |
(中南大学公共管理学院,湖南长沙,410012) |
摘 要: 马克思的意识形态概念既有感觉主义的法国背景,又有理性主义的德国渊源。德国渊源主要包括黑格尔对异化与意识形态概念的融合,以及费尔巴哈对宗教异化的批判。黑格尔对异化世界的阐释性说明和对教化的虚假性和欺骗性的本质的深刻揭露,为马克思的“意识形态”概念含义的根本转折奠定了基础;费尔巴哈对宗教的批判为揭示意识形态的否定性意义提供了启迪。在此基础上,马克思创立了意识形态概念。对以上德国理论渊源的准确把握,我们才能理解马克思的意识形态概念的否定性。 |
关键词: 马克思;意识形态;德国渊源;感觉主义;理性主义;异化;教化 |
On German source of Marx’s concept of ideology |
CHEN Ming |
(College of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: Marx’s concept of ideology originates not only from French source of sentimentalism, but also from German source of rationalism. German origin mainly includes both Hegel’s combination of alienation and ideology and Feuerbach’s criticisms on religious building. Hegel’s explanations of the alienation and profound disclosure of the false and deceptive essence of building lay the foundation for the fundamental transformation of Marx’s ideology. Feuerbach’s criticism on religion enlightens Marx on elucidating the negative meaning of the concept of ideology. Marx creates the concept of ideology on the basis of the above-mentioned origin. Only by fully grasping the German source of Marx’s ideology, can we accurately understand the negativity of Marx’s congcept of ideology. |
Key words: Marx; ideology; German source; sensationalism; rationalism; alienation; building |