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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 环境罚款是以威慑功能为核心的环境财产罚,欲准确确定环境罚款数额,需要科学立法和精准裁量的双重保障。现阶段环境罚款组成不完整、数额设定方式不恰当以及裁量基准体系不系统,导致环境罚款“数额低、标准不统一、裁量肆意”。在未来完善环境罚款数额确定规则的实践中,应以适当威慑为整体制度目标,对现有立法和裁量规则体系加以调整。在立法中,确立包含违法情节罚款和违法收益罚款的环境罚款组成。同时,根据不同环境罚款组成的特征,选择不同罚款设定方式,即以概括式的方式设定违法收益罚款,以数值数据式的方式设定违法情节罚款。在裁量中,运用“二维网格式”裁量基准分格技术构建裁量基准规则,并确立体系化的裁量调整规则。
关键词: 环境罚款;罚款组成;罚款数额设定方式;罚款裁量基准
On perfection of the rules of determining the amount of environmental fine
ZHOU Xiaoran
(School of Economic Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)
Abstract: Environmental fine is a type of environmental property penalty with deterrence as its core function, but it requires fundamental guarantees of both scientific legislation and accurate discretion to determine a reasonable amount of the environmental fines. Currently, the composition of environmental fine is not intact, the way of determining the fee is not appropriate, and the discretion benchmark system is not systematic, all of which have brought about low amount, disaccorded benchmarks and willful discretion. In our future practice of perfecting the determination rules of the amount of environmental fine, we should set appropriate deterrence as the goal of the whole system and regulate our existing legislation and rule system of discretion. In legislation, composition of environmental fines should be established which contain both illegal act fine and illegal gains fine. Meanwhile, different ways of determining fines should be offered for choice according to the characteristics of different components. In discretion, “two-dimensional grid style” benchmark can be employed to set and establish systematic adjustment rules.
Key words: environmental fines; composition of fines; amount setting of fines; discretion benchmark of fines
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