文章编号:1672-3104(2016)02-0220-05 |
翻译研究的学科化:知识建构还是话语策略 |
潘琳玲,徐岚 |
(淮海工学院外国语学院,江苏连云港,222005) |
摘 要: 学科是知识划分的制度化结果,其通过学科范式和规训使知识生产在差异性和排他性中划定“不可渗透性”边界。当代翻译研究在社会、文化等转向之后,逐渐成为一个多学科与跨学科的综合性研究领域,更多是在与其他学科“互涉”的去学科化逻辑中完成知识建构的。学科的本质是权力,翻译研究学科化的根本动因是谋求学术权力和体制生存的一种话语策略。从知识发展角度来看,学科并非翻译研究的最终归属,翻译研究的未来方向应当从“学科化”转向“知识化”,在学科中做多学科研究将是翻译研究的理性选择和长期状态。 |
关键词: 学科;翻译研究;知识;话语 |
Translation studies as a discipline: Knowledge construction or discourse strategy |
PAN Linling, XU Lan |
(School of Foreign Languages, Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang 222005, China) |
Abstract: As a product of knowledge division, discipline designates “impermeable” boundaries with differentiation and exclusiveness. Contemporary translation studies grows into a comprehensive multi-disciplinary research field after sociological and cultural turn, which develops great “interaction” with other disciplines in de-disciplinary path. The nature of discipline is power, in which case, the motivation of being a discipline rests more on discourse strategy for academic power and survival. From the point of knowledge development, discipline is not the final goal of translation studies, whose future focus should shift from “discipline” to “knowledge.” And in the long run, doing multi-disciplinary research within discipline will be the rational choice for translation studies. |
Key words: discipline; translation studies; knowledge; discourse |