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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 20世纪90年代以来,在少子化问题日益严峻的背景下,日本政府将儿童课后照顾服务纳入了公共福利体系。在政策制度层面,日本政府通过建立和完善相关政策法规、加大财政投入,确立了儿童课后照顾服务制度;在管理机制层面,开放了准入标准,鼓励非营利性组织、社区、社会福利组织等各类民间力量参与运营管理;在实践层面,推动课后照顾服务与课后教育活动的融合,在社区建立了综合性的教育福利服务体系。这些对于保障儿童的生存发展权、家长的劳动权以及支持家庭育儿发挥了重要的作用。
关键词: 课后照顾服务;制度;儿童;日本
After-school-child care system in Japan and its inspiration
LI Zhi
(School of Foreign Studies, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)
Abstract: Since the 1990s, under the severe context of the backdrop of the sharp decline of birth rate in Japan, the Japanese government have included after-school-child care into the country's public welfare system. At the policy level, the Japanese government continuously institutionalized and legislated for after-school-child care in the Child Welfare Law. In the meanwhile, the Japanese government increased its spending, spurring a rapid growth of the after- school-child care service in both scale and number. At the institutional level, the Japanese adopted an open-up policy by encouraging entry and participation by NGOs, communities, social welfare organizations and many other non- governmental organizations in operating the service and organizing various activities. At the practical level, the Japanese government also attempted to integrate after-school-child care service with after-school education programs, establishing a child education welfare service system on a daily basis in all communities. These measures played an important role in guaranteeing the rights of survival and development on the part of the children, labor rights on the part of the parents, and in supporting child care in each household.
Key words: after-school-child care service; system; child; Japan
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