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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 以往学术界通常采用总资产收益率和股权收益率两个指标衡量银行的经营绩效,而这两个指标仅仅只能反映银行的盈利能力,不能全面反映银行的经营绩效。考虑到这两个指标的局限性,通过考察上市商业银行盈利性、流动性、风险性、清偿能力及安全性,应用银行综合经营绩效来衡量银行经营绩效,选取沪深两市16家上市商业银行2007—2014年的相关数据,构建面板回归模型分析了非利息收入业务对上市商业银行综合经营绩效的影响。研究结果表明,非利息收入业务与上市国有控股商业银行综合经营绩效显著负相关,与上市股份制商业银行综合经营绩效显著正相关。
关键词: 银行非利息收入业务;银行综合经营绩效;面板数据模型分析
An empirical study on the effect of non-interest income business on the comprehensive business performance of listed commercial banks in China
YUE Yiding, LI Yiyao
(School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: In the past, the academic circles in our country generally used the total assets return rate and the stock return rate of two indicators to measure the bank’s business performance, but these two indicators could only reflect the profitability of the banks rather than the business performance of the banks. The present study, by considering the limitations of these two indicators, adopts the bank’s comprehensive business performance to measure business performance, selects data from 16 listed commercial banks from 2007 to 2014 as a sample, lists profitability, liquidity, risk, solvency and security, and constructs the panel data regression model to analyze the effect of non-interest income on the performance of listed commercial banks in China. Research results show that the non-interest income has a significant negative correlation with the performance of listed state-owned commercial banks. And non-interest income has a significant positive correlation with the performance of listed joint-stock commercial banks.
Key words: non-interest income business; banks’ comprehensive business performance; panel data regression model
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