自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 知识分子在一定时期和一定地域具有了文化传播和文化领导的职能,所以就具有相关的话语权,并与政治意识形态呈现出相互联系或者相互对立的关系,在“二元对立”的体制之中,知识的精英化和反思性才逐步得以彰显。自1980年代以来,人性、人道主义的思潮成为贯穿文学、美学等领域的核心话语,构成了“告别历史”的基本价值取向。知识分子们不仅仅建构起文学主体性和实践主体性理论,更是在理论的背后重塑了自身的文化权力和精英意识。通过强烈的文学政治介入、知识分子文学形象的建构和青春体的学术热情,知识分子完成了从边缘到中心的场域转换,并以“启蒙”的姿态找回了话语的自信。从现代知识分子主体性的建构,到1980年代知识分子审美表征形象重塑,最终指向知识分子公共话语权的确立和美学启蒙的目的,此种传统也必将通过不同的形式进行延续、代代相传,从而具有面向历史的价值。
关键词: 知识分子;话语权;公共性;美学启蒙;主体性
Subject reconstruction and aesthetic enlightenment: Centering on discourse right of intellectuals in the 1980s
PEI Xuan
(College of Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)
Abstract: At a certain period and in a certain region, the intellectuals bear the function of cultural transmission and cultural leadership, hence holding the discourse right and presenting the related or contradictory relations with political ideology so that the elite and reflectivity of knowledge may be gradually highlighted in the system of “binary opposition”. Since the new period of the 1980s, thoughts of human nature and humanitarianism have become core discourses through literature, aesthetics and other fields, constituting the basic value orientation of “farewell to history.” Intellectuals not only construct literary subjectivity and subjectivity practice theory, but also reshape its own cultural authority and elite consciousness. Through strong literary political intervention, the construction of literary images of intellectuals and youth body of academic interest and intellectuals have completed the transformation from the marginal to the center, and relived discourse confidence with the air of “enlightenment.” From modern construction of intellectual subjectivity to the aestheti, c representation image reshape of the intellectuals in the 1980s, finally to the establishment of the public discourse of intellectuals and aesthetic enlightenment, such a tradition will continue through different forms from generation to generation, hence endowed with an historical value.
Key words: the intellectuals; discourse right; publicity; aesthetic enlightenment; subjectivity
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