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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: “意识形态”(Ideologie)作为马克思主义范畴中重要的概念之一,伴随唯物史观的传播被引入中文语境就与文学发生关系。20世纪上半期,文学与“意识形态”概念在中文语境的传播几乎发生了同步的变迁。最初,文学理论家断定“文学是意识形态”,但实质上这里的文学所指称的是“社会意识形式”(Bewu β tseinformen)。20世纪30年代,“Ideologie”被音译为“意德沃罗基”,这时文学被指称为“意德沃罗基”(Ideologie)的一种,这其实是在鼓动和倡导文学的意识形态性,也是当时人们对文学实践功能的期待。20世纪40年代,人们更习惯于把“Ideologie”意译为“观念形态”,文学是“观念形态”作品的说法既赋予了文学意识形态的实践品格,也说明了文学对社会现实具有能动性和超越性。而“意识形态”概念在传播过程中的复杂性以及出现的对文学本质的不同表述,对中国现代文学的发展都产生了深远的影响。
关键词: 意识形态;文学;变迁
The concept of ideology and the change of Chinese modern literature in the first half of twentieth century
LI Zijuan, MENG Zheng
(School of Marx, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China; Hunan Social Sciences, Changsha 410003, China)
Abstract: “Ideology” (Ideologie), as one of the important concepts in Marx’s theory, was introduced into Chinese context with the introduction of the historical materialism. During the first half of twentieth century, literature and the spread of the concept of “ideology” in the context of Chinese underwent almost synchronous changes. At the very beginning, literary theorists concluded that “literature is ideology”, but in essence, the literature here referred to the “social consciousness form” (Bewuβtseinformen). In the 1930s, the “Ideologie” was transliterated as “yi de wo luo ji,” and literature then was referred to as an “Ideologie” (Ideologie), which was in fact the ideology of agitation and advocacy of literature, and also people’s expectation of the function of literature in practice. In the 1940s, people were more accustomed to the translation of “Ideologie” for “ideology,” believing that “literature is the practical character of ideological works,” which not only endows literature with ideological practical character, but also discloses that literature has the initiative and transcendental function beyond social reality. The complexity of the concept of “ideology” in the process of spread and the emergence of the different expressions of the essence of literature have exerted a profound influence on the development of Chinese modern literature.
Key words: ideology; literature; change
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