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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 通讯企业投资印度对于共建“一带一路”特别是“海上丝绸之路”具有重要作用。欧美传统专利巨头利用其标准必要专利上的绝对优势对我国企业滥用侵权诉讼。印度高等法院裁判小米侵犯爱丽信标准必要专利不但阻碍小米在印度的投资计划,更影响同类企业在“一带一路”沿线其他国家投资拓展。基于此,试图借助小米案分析并论证如何通过投资前期的专利预警和布局,选择合理的诉讼策略,寻求印度当地反垄断救济措施以及促进印度履行国际条约应有义务的方式化解侵权风险,以期为企业对“一带一路”沿线其他国家同类投资的风险应对提供借鉴。
关键词: 一带一路;印度;海外投资;标准必要专利;侵权风险
Prevention of infringement risk of Standard Essential Patents in terms of  Chinese ICT enterprises investing in India with the background of OBOR: A case study of Ericsson vs Xiaomi
LIU Yideng, ZHU Zhidong
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: It is crucial to OBOR construction for ICT enterprises to invest in India, especially to the construction of maritime Silk Road. Traditional patent giants from Europe and America make use of their superiority and launch a series of Standard Essential Patents lawsuits against Chinese enterprises. Indian High court made the verdict that Xiaomi had infringed Ericsson, which not only hindered Xiaomi’s investment plan in India, but also had bad impact on enterprises of the similar type in investing in other countries along the OBOR. Based on this, the present essay attempts to analyze the case of Xiaomi and testify how to deal with the risks through the alert and layout of patents, to choose reasonable litigation strategy, to seek anti-monopoly relief measures in local India, and to promote Indian government to fulfill the obligations of international treaties, in the hope of providing references for enterprises to deal with similar risks in investing in other nations along the OBOR.
Key words: the Belt and Road; India; overseas investment; Standard Essential Patents; infringement risks
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