文章编号:1672-3104(2016)04-0162-05 |
从传统文化看《活着之上》对“新道统”的构建 |
晏选军,尧育飞 |
(中南大学文学与新闻学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 通过对传统文化中“道统”和“文统”理念的借鉴和吸收,《活着之上》成功构筑起小说内部的“新道统”。在这一“新道统”的价值体系和精神坐标中,“反功利”和“安贫乐道”的传统思想起着重要作用,二者交互作用,共同塑造了小说的基本价值取向,也尝试着对当代知识分子的精神世界作出一种回应。 |
关键词: 新道统;《活着之上》;反功利;安贫乐道 |
Construction of new Confucian orthodoxy in Beyond Living seen from Chinese traditional culture |
YAN Xuanjun, YAO Yufei |
(School of Literature and Journalism, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: By referring to and absorbing the concepts of the Confucian orthodoxy and the literary orthodoxy in Chinese traditional culture, Beyond Living has successfully constructed the new Confucian orthodoxy from within. In this value system and spirit direction of new Confucian orthodoxy, the traditional thoughts of anti-utility and being contented with poverty of a humble yet virtuous life matter a lot. The interaction of the two thoughts forms the basic value orientation of the novel, which also attempts to respond to the spiritual anxiety of the contemporary intellectuals. |
Key words: new Confucian orthodoxy; Beyond Living; anti-utility; being contented with poverty of a humble yet virtuous life |