文章编号:1672-3104(2015)05-0140-06 |
导淮借款的演变与一战期间美日围绕中国的外交博弈 |
吴岳,孙志鹏 |
(东北师范大学历史文化学院,吉林长春,130024) |
摘 要: 清末民初,张謇倡言导淮。美国红十字会基于人道主义精神与中国协议导淮借款,威尔逊政府予以支持并强调美国对华投资的“现代化典范”意义。1916年9月,日本以“山东特权”为借口强行介入中美运河借款,实施“扩张主义协调策”;美国从“战时联盟”角度对日采取“遏制主义合作策”。在扩张与遏制的外交博弈下,一战后期美日在中国问题上形成一种“冷淡的合作”,运河借款也沦落为“旧外交”的新祭品。 |
关键词: 导淮借款;一战;美国;日本;外交博弈 |
The change of the Huai River Conservancy Loan andUS-Japan diplomatic game aboutChina during World War I |
WU Yue, SUN Zhipeng |
(School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China) |
Abstract: In the early 20th century, Zhang Jian proposed a plan about Huai River. The American Red Cross discussed Huai River Loan with China in the name of humanitarian spirit, and Wilson government emphasized the meaning of “modernized model”. In Sept. 1916, Japan stepped in the loan under the cover of “Shandong Privilege” and carried out the “expansionism coordination strategy,” while the US, from the wartime alliance, adopted “containment cooperation strategy.”In the diplomatic game between expansion and containment, US-Japan formed a “cold cooperation” in China, and the Conservancy Loan degenerated into a victim of the “old diplomacy”. |
Key words: the Huai River Conservancy Loan; World War I; US; Japan; diplomatic game |