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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 第二次世界大战结束后,为了彻底铲除日本法西斯军国主义,消除日本对美国潜在的威胁,美国在政治、经济和军事等领域对日本按照西方模式进行了民主改造。因冷战和朝鲜战争的爆发,美国从全球冷战战略出发,将对日民主改造政策调整为争取日本成为美国在东亚遏制共产主义的桥头堡的政策。美国运用了“第四种武器”——心理战, 制定了心理战略和详尽的心理战略行动计划以实现这一政策目标。通过实施这一计划,美国有效地清除了日本的亲共势力,与日本建立了亲密战略伙伴关系,使日本成为了美国在东亚遏止共产主义扩张和渗透的桥头堡。但美国的心理战略行动并不能解决美国在日本的所有问题,今天日本社会极右势力的猖獗和泛滥就是严重的后果之一。
关键词: 冷战;美国;日本;心理战略行动;战略伙伴关系
A study of the US psychological strategic operations toJapan in the early post-world war years
SHI Penghai
(School of Foreign Languages, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China)
Abstract: After the 2nd World War, the US, from the consideration of its own benefit, occupied Japan independently. In order to eliminate the fascist militarism and the potential threat to the US, the US reformed Japan in the political, economic and military fields according to the western pattern. Because of the breakout of the Cold War and the Korean War, the US, from the perspective of its global war strategy, adjusted its policy to Japan from reforming Japan to a democratic country to building Japan as a stronghold to resist communism in eastern Asia. To implement this policy target, the US applied “the Fourth Weapon”, the psychological warfare, and made a psychological strategy and detailed psychological operation plan to implement this policy target. Through the implementation of this plan, the US eliminated the pro-communism power in Japan and built a close strategic relationship with Japan, and made Japan a stronghold to resist the so-called communist expansion and infiltration in East Asia. However, the US psychological strategic operation is not omnipotent, it could not solve all the problems in Japan. On the contrary, the US psychological strategic operation left serious effects, one of which is the rampantness and uncheckedness of the ultra-right power in the Japanese society.
Key words: the Cold War; the US; Japan; the psychological strategic operations; Sino-Japan strategic company relationship
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